Friday, 5 December 2014

Things A Woman Should Never Do To Her Husband

So these are the 8 things i feel ladies should
desist from as married women
1: Dont think you are the Project: its true that
he has to woo you, chase you, court you and
all that but once you both are married. You
become his helper. Dont ever have the
mentality that he married you to pet and care
for you. Its true he will do that but that is not
the main reason for the marriage. You are not
his life project rather you are to assist him
achieve and attain his life project.
2- Dont Turn Him Against His People: dont
turn the mother that bore him for nine
months into a witch in his eyes pls. His
relatives shouldnt become his enemies
because you married him. Dont destroy the
family relationship.
3- Dont Try To Change Him: You met him that
way. You loved him that way. Why are you
trying to change him now?. If you met him
drinking alchohol, brace yourself to put up
with it. Dont try to change him. You are not
the HolySpirit.
4- Dont Be Too Familiar: dont be too familiar
with your husband. Queen Vashti lost her
crown to Esther because she was too familiar
with her husband. Her husband sent for her
and she refused to go. Dont get too familiar.
Dont forget he is still your head. Still respect
5- Dont Stop Looking Good: this one is a
major one. He met you looking sexy, fabolous
and great. Dont stop looking that way. Even
after having kids, hit the gym and still keep
fit. Dont forget that he sees fresh babes every
day as he goes out. Men are moved by what
they see. Dont stop looking good.
6- Help Him On Bed: lipsrsealed i wont talk
much on this one but please dont make !sex!
boring for him.
7- Dont Nag: pls dont nag biko. Instead of
nagging, pray to God. God can change his
heart, you cant change his heart.
8- Dont Try To Train Your Husband: you are
expected to love your husband not to train
him. If his mother that has been with him for
the first part of his life cant change him on
certain things, dont think that you can. Just
help him.

Posted By David Aniemeka

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