car fumes, generator fumes, household
cleaning chemicals, cigarette smoke,
cosmetics and biomaterials find their way
into our body. As we inhale these pollutants,
we are at risk of contracting cancer says Prof.
Oladapo Ashiru, a reproductive
endocrinologist, in this interview with Franka
Osakwe. Excepts
In one of your articles, you mentioned
that environmental toxins could lead to
cancer. Can you explain?
The cause of cancer is unknown but many
things are known to increase the risk of
cancer and one of them is toxins.
Environmental toxins are now generally
believed to be the cause of nearly all cancers.
Only about 10 percent of cancers are said to
be hereditary, the rest is caused by
environmental toxins which find their way
into our food, air, water and the soil in which
we grow our food. We spend our days inhaling
pollutants such as car fumes, generator
fumes, household cleaning chemicals,
cigarette smoke and cosmetics. We drink
water that has been excessively treated with
chemicals and eat food that is grown in toxic
soil, pumped with hormones and packaged
with preservatives. Over time, these toxins
accumulate in the body. When they become
too much, the body defense system, which is
supposed to eliminate these toxins, can no
longer cope, causing chains of events ranging
from suppression of the immune system,
alterations and damages to cells, abnormal
cell growth and finally cancer. Cancer cells
divide and grow out of control, forming
malignant tumours which eventually spread
to other organs in the body.
How can we prevent toxins from
entering the body?
One way to prevent toxin is to always watch
out for pesticides. An over load of pesticides
in air, food, or water may set the stage for
breast cancer, Parkinson's disease and
possibly Alzheimer, according to research. So
washing your fruits and vegetables is a must-
do every time you bring them home, most
especially if you get them from the market.
You don't need to use fancy soap when
washing; plain water will do the trick.
Another toxin to watch out for is
petrochemicals. The petrochemical products
are so many around us. You know that strong
odour emanate from some new plastic
containers, plastic products like shower
curtains and mattress covers? You can blame
this on the Polyvinyl chroride (PVC) used to
manufacture them which release toxic
chemicals that can make you dizzy and
drowsy with just a few deep whiffs. These
products are also used for house hold
purposes. The PVC toxins can damage the
reproductive organs, the lungs and other
systems of the body. Other things to avoid
are excess alcohol, smoking, and lead
How can someone tell if they have
People should not rely on routine tests alone
to find out if they have cancer. It's important
to listen to your body and notice anything
that is different, odd or unexplainable. For
instance, squeezing or shortness of breath is
the first sign many lung cancer patients
remember noticing. Most lung cancer
patients report chronic cough or severe chest
pain, frequent fevers and infections are the
signs of leukemia, a cancer of the red blood
cell, difficulty in swallowing is commonly
associated with esophageal or throat cancer,
unexplained weight loss is an early sign of
colon and other digestive cancers. For a
woman, having a red sore or swollen breast
can indicate inflammatory breast cancer. You
should call your doctor when you notice any
such change. Also, signs like blood in the
toilet should alert you about the possibility of
a cancer. Rectal bleeding or blood in the stool
is a common sign of colorectal cancer. Again,
a woman who notices unusual heavy bleeding
or bleeding between periods should ask for a
trans-vaginal ultrasound.
What are the chances of surviving a
The chances of surviving the disease depend
on the type and location of the cancer and the
extent which the cancer has progressed.
While cancer can affect people of all ages, the
risk of developing cancer generally increases
as we age. In 2007, cancer caused about 13
percent of all deaths worldwide (7.9 million
people). More people are dying of cancer in
the developing countries because we are
adopting more westernized lifestyles. Cancer
is becoming a nightmare to many people, but
there is new hope in the trend towards body
detoxification as a cancer treatment and in
the prevention of cancer.
What is detoxification and how can it
help in cancer treatment?
Detoxification is the process of cleansing
toxins from the body, neutralizing and
transforming them into non harmful
substances and finally eliminating them from
the body. There are various forms of
detoxification such as intestinal cleansing,
cellular cleansing, cleansing to remove heavy
metals and food detoxification. Now, studies
have shown that detoxification has prevented
cancer and has prolonged the lives of people
with cancers as well reduce the effect of
chemotherapy. Detoxification prevents cancer
by getting rid of all the accumulated toxins in
the body through the cleansing. Studies have
shown that detoxification reduces the rate at
which cancer cells divide thereby reversing
the effects of cancer and restoring the body
to health over a long period of time. It
destroys cancer cells, breaks down toxins and
eliminates it. It can also help reduce the pain
associated with cancer and the treatment. It
also detoxify the liver in cancer patients and
reduces the burden on the liver thereby
improving the metabolic and waste removal
function of the liver.
Detoxification method like infra red therapy
kills the cancer cells by encouraging the skin
as the largest organ of the body to sweat and
break down the toxins thereby cleansing the
body. The benefits of detoxification are too
numerous to mention, studies have shown
that detoxification rebuilds immunity of
cancer patients as well as protecting the
normal cells from chemotherapy injury. Other
health conditions that may benefit from
Detox therapies include: allergic conditions
like asthma or dermatitis, food intolerance,
chronic constipation, obesity, chronic health
disorders like diabetes, Hypertension and
Aside Detox, how else can one prevent
Nutrition can influence cancer prevention and
treatment. Food rich in anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant substances such as colorful fruits,
ocean fish, flaxseed oil, vegetables, whole
grains and spices are good for cancer
patients. It is also necessary to cut down on
mercuryrich fishes including king mackerel
and sword fish. Food containing protein and
carbohydrates are good, however, don't boil
or microwave them too much, over cooking
may destroy the toxin fighting compounds.
Eat less of carbohydrates and sugar-laden
foods and more of vegetables and fruits.
Posted By David Aniemeka
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