Thursday, 4 December 2014

Buhari Revolutionizes The Elections Funding Process With New Crowdfunding Technology

The Buhari Support Organization (BSO) has
recently launched a new revolutionary
crowdfunding initiative that aims to raise
campaign funds for Rtd General Muhammad
Buhari's 2015 election effort.
This crowd funding initiative remains the first
of its kind use of technology to significantly
step change the process of election funding in
Nigeria and Africa in general. Speaking at the
launch of this initiative, the crowd funding
effort uses BSO registration scratch cards and
the contributor's mobile phone to raise funds
for the Buhari's campaign effort. The
electorate can now freely support the Buhari
Campaign by registering or by a direct
donation of N100. This can be achieved by
simply purchasing the support card and
sending a text to the BSO following the
instructions at the back of the card.
During the live-testing of the system, the
group of engineers present confirmed that
the implementation of this technology
provides "empowerment for the masses
against the election manipulation Cabal".
This system reverses the trend of money bag
politics in Nigeria as the previous model of
politicians doling out money to electorate is
totally upturned. Speaking at the event, the
program coordinator BSO – Mr. Ibrahim
buttressed the fact that the use of this
technology delivers accountability and
transparency as the candidate will now have
to win the hearts of the electorate with his
policies to get their funding.
After carrying out rigorous live testing of the
system, users were convinced of the system's
efficacy and simplicity. The system is
another use of mobile technology to step-
change existing inefficient processes. This
robust system completely demystifies the
complex and murky process of elections
funding in Nigeria.
Rtd General M. Buhari, present at the launch
confirmed his endorsement of the system and
buttressed that the system's unique benefits
are synonymous with his principles of
transparency, accountability and
empowerment of the masses. This system
will also provide the BSO with an updated
database of registered voters which can be
used for better information dissemination,
elections monitoring and exit polling analysis.
This unique use of technology by Rtd Gen.
Buhari and the youths working with him
should be encouraged to change our existing
inefficient systems in government.

Posted By David Aniemeka

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