observation. Moreso,I also fall in at least one
of the categories.
1. The one who wants to open to the book of
Revelations but will start searching from
Genesis grin
2. The one who doesn't know where a
particular bible verse is located but he will
use you as case study because he doesn't
want to be left out…You can easily mislead
this people. "Open
to Matthew and he will open to Matthew even
if the pastor asks the congregation to open to
3. The one who will check the table of
contents for accuracy.The pastor says Open to
Genesis and you'd find him checking the
table of contents, "Open to Mark",he will still
check table of contents(just name it).
4. When a pastor calls a bible verse and you
all heard him. He will start searching and get
confused on the way only for him to turn to
you and ask you the chapter the pastor
called. Sometimes I really wonder what he's
thinking and thinking.
5. The ones who is using a New Testament
Bible. When the pastor calls a bible verse in
Old Testament,he will start searching his
bible as if he has it there…if i hear say he dey
dia(forming things)
6. The one whose Bible is torn. When the
pastor calls a Bible verse which seems to be
torn off from his bible,he will concentrate and
begin reading another verse because he
doesn't want you to notice he has a torn
7. The one who will open his bible within the
twinkle of an eye,ask them to open a bible
verse that has only one page and you'll be
amazed. I wonder how these people are so
accurate in searching.
8. The ones who will never locate a bible
verse not until after the church has forgotten
they ever read the bible verse.
9. The ones who open the bible verse and
start looking as if it was written in French.
You will see discomfort and insecurity
registered on their faces the moment the
pastor tells them to narrate what the bible
verse is talking about.
10. The ones who don't open their bible at all.
They come to church with a bible but won't
open it rather they would be staring at
people's clothes,shoes,phones just name it.
Which category do you fall under?
Posted By David Aniemeka
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