Wednesday 19 February 2014

Darlene Zschech Has Breast Cancer: Ex- Hillsong Worship Leader Did 1st Chemo

A popular gospel singer and the former leader of
Hillsong United band, Darlene Zschech has been
diagnosed with cancer of the breast.
She has just completed her first round of
chemotherapy. With 4 left to go for the cancer
treatment, she said she's being assured of God's
love, which is "one of the sweetest parts of the
"I am coming to the end of round one of chemo (I
have 5 to go) and all I can say is, 'Grace, grace and
more grace,'" Darlene wrote on her blog Friday. "I am
learning to rest in every promise from Jesus. In fact,
it's His word that is giving me the strength to inhale
and exhale moment by moment." - the singer said
via her blog
Darlene made the scary announcement around
Christmas period.
On the 29th of December 2014, she wrote on her
blog that doctors discovered a lump in her breast
during a routine mammogram.
"Since then, it has been a whirlwind of appointments,
scans and surgery."
"To be completely honest, this is not the kind of news
anyone ever really wants to tell. However, I have seen
two absolute miracles in my body thus far and I know
there will be many more to come," she said at the
time, and quoted Romans 5:3-5:
"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings,
because we know that suffering produces
perseverance, perseverance character and character
HOPE. And hope does not put us to shame, because
God's love has been poured out into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
Zschech is most famous for penning the worship
song "Shout to the Lord." After serving as worship
pastor at the Pentecostal Hillsong Church in Sydney,
Australia, for over a decade, Zschech stepped down
to co-pastor another church with her husband Mark.
The couple has been leading Hope Unlimited Church
on the Central Coast of New South Wales since 2011.
Since her cancer announcement, Zschech has been
writing about her journey. She has been finding
strength in the many prayers directed toward her as
she goes through six months of treatment.
This week, she lost her hair which she finds "very
confronting." "It definitely makes me look sicker than
I feel."
The gospel singer wrote that her husband jokes with
her saying she can now save a lot of money she
would otherwise be paying to hairdressers. And their
daughters have named her wig "Betty." "I love my
girls and they are keeping it light and laughter filled
for me."
While this has been "a quite a ride on an emotional
roller," she said, "I am assured of God's love for me.
Truly this has been one of the sweetest parts of the
journey. My beautiful Emmanuel is never far away.
Our Friends, family and our beloved church family
are amazing every day. I'm ever convinced that life
was always designed to be done in true community.
Good days and bad days yet always better together."
She said she has been using this time to write more
songs and thoughts, which she'll share "when I am
on the other side of this mountain."
"In fact, we are already planning a Thanksgiving
service at our church in November, where we will
record songs birthed during this season. We simply
want to fill the place with praise for all that God has
done," she added.
[Source: Christian Post]

Sent From David Aniemeka

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