Wednesday 29 January 2014

IBB, Babangida Writes Warning Letter To President Jonathan “El-Rufai’s Detention Is Illegal”

The open letter trend that started with former
President Olusegun Obasanjo last year has continued
this year again.
This time around, former military ruler, General
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida wrote an open letter
in form of warning to President Goodluck
In the letter, IBB addressed a lot of issues of concern
to him and Nigerians in general.
He also addressed the issue of illegal detention and
arrest being ordered by President Jonathan. General
Babangida also condemned GEJ for ordering the
arrest and detention of Mallam Nasir El-Rufai.
Read the IBB's warning letter to Jonathan below:
"The happenings in the country in recent times call
for worry if we must be sincere with ourselves. Every
day, the nation is treated with one form of political
issue or [another]. From security challenges to
economic challenges, Nigerians are asking several
questions that deserve responses from government
at the various levels. Democracy is when it is a
people-driven government with its fundamental
principles of freedom of expression, freedom of
association, rule of law, accountability, probity and
equal representation amongst others.
"I will like to advise President Goodluck Jonathan to
tread cautiously so that those sycophants in, and out
of government will not derail his focus, resilience and
perseverance. He needs all the comportment,
resilience, perseverance, introspection and
determination to be able to take the right decisions
for the good of the country. The arrest and release of
Mallam Nasir El-Rufai is a deliberate distraction
which the President must run away from.
"He must avoid gambling with decisions and he must
be willing to seek a third opinion on issues before he
takes his decision. President Goodluck Jonathan must
understand that there is a whole body of people out
there who are not happy with happenings in the
country. It is his responsibility as President of the
country to reach out to them and make his mission
understandable to the common man on the street so
that they can buy into his government.
"If his body of advisers do not understand the
temperament in the country and decide to embark
on arresting and releasing people on very
questionable allegations, they will be making
enemies for the President instead of friends. The
prerogative is that of the President and no one else.
"President Jonathan should as a matter of
responsibility listen to voices of the opposition and or
dissent, as he stands to gain experience and
knowledge from their well-informed criticisms rather
than build hostilities around them. He has to ensure
that he minimizes and maximizes his discretionary
powers in a manner that will not be subject of abuse.
"President Goodluck Jonathan must sit back, collect
himself and carry out a critical self-appraisal before
he takes his decisions. He is aware, without mention,
that the country is presently faced with several
developmental challenges.
"Also, security agencies must avoid getting involved
in political issues. Modern day security has evolved
to a point where you do not require seeing gun-
wielding policemen on the streets. The ability to
collate information and analyze same in a proactive
manner will help improve the security situation in
the country. We must carry out moral healing as well
as political healing in the land. The President must
make it a point of duty to reach out to people, groups
and individuals with the sole purpose of selling his
Presidency. It is becoming instructive that the
concept of winner-takes-all which has pervaded the
system for so long may not flourish as such again."
Sent From David Aniemeka

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